Back in 1921, the AUDAX club in Paris rode the very first 200K. It started in Paris and visited Dreux and Chartres before returning to Paris.
Despite the fact that today is 9/11 and we are again remembering the pain and loss of what happened on that horrible day. This day was also the day to join friends and ride bikes to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of a happier day.
The ride started at 6am. I got up at 4:30 and made coffee and got dressed. I made sure there was air in the tires of the bike. I also checked Colleen's bike to make sure her bike was ready to ride. I iced my bottles and filled them with OJ and water. I always add a 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to the OJ to ensure I have enough salt to stave off cramps. I grabbed a Clif bar and hit the road at 5:20 or so. I reached the Speedy Stop and found other riders getting their bikes ready.

Scott Taylor

Jeff, and Dan Colvin

Jeff and Paul

Amy and Gary (HOTR)


Jeff was there and talking to folks about the plan to stop in Cele to get a photo. At 6:01, we rolled out and the pace was fast. As we got out on Cameron, I fell back a bit and rolled into the Cele store just as the bikes were being set aside and the flag unfurled for the photo. Jeff took several photos and we alternatively laughed and smiled and then changed to a more early 20th century stoic look. We mounted our bikes and headed up the road towards Taylor. Again the pace was.fast and I let the group go. I stopped at some point to turn on my induction earphones and turn on the music. I then rolled toward Taylor and found Scott and Adam at the C-store. I stopped there thinking it would be a mistake to carry on to the taco restaurant. I bought a chocolate milk and apple pie. I drank the milk and put the pie in my bag. I then rolled up the road. As I guessed, most of the riders had stopped at Gonzalez Tacos. I waved and decided to keep going. Scott Taylor joined me. We stopped for some construction and proceeded forward when the workmen gave us the all clear.
Scott and I rolled along chatting and making good time. My pace remained about 15mph and as we got closer to Taylor, we saw Russ coming back the other way. Scott and I reached the CEFCO and I introduced him to the F'Real machine. I bought chocolate milk and baked Lays trying to keep tabs on my cholesterol. I also bought a cup of ice to re-ice my bottles. As we ate and drank, the big group behind us arrived. Jeff was surprised to see me thinking I might be behind them for some reason. Scott and I waited and we all rolled out together.
Unlike last week, the humidity was much lower today. We rolled along a. comfortable pace and kept the group mostly together. I was happy to be in the group and chatted with various people as we rolled along.

As we got closer to Taylor, Scott jumped off the front to arrive first. The rest of us arrived about 5 minutes later. Most of the riders took Jeff's advice and parked in the shade across the street. I bought a Jarrisco Lime soda and a Dr Pepper and a cup of ice. I put the Dr Pepper in my bag for the shade stop in Norman's Crossing.
Scott and I rolled first with the expectation that others would catch us. We stopped for a bio break under the US 79 overpass on the outskirts of town. We then rolled along and found ourselves in Norman's Crossing. We parked our bikes in the shade and sat down to eat and drink while we waited for the others. The rest of the group. rolled up a few minutes later with news that they had been delayed with a flat tire repair on DanC's bike. We enjoyed the shade and then mounted the bikes again.
Unlike last week, we opted to skip the stores at Parmer. The sun was out, but everyone had enough fluids to make it to the end. The end of the ride was uneventful. We climbed the last 3 hills and then made our way back to Speedy Stop finishing the ride in 8 hours 53 minutes. Jeff handed out the swag bags and I joked I had to ride the route twice to earn mine.

All the photos I took today can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/8GBry8akcC3HUBJo7