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End of year Dart comes with challenges


So it has been a few weeks since my last rando ride. I have been busy with the holidays and some travel. The new bike finally came together and I spent an evening with Sol Frost to get the new bike fitted correctly. We determined that the stem and handlebars had to be replaced, but we got the bike fitted correctly for the shoes, the cleats, the saddle position, and height. I had thought maybe to do a ride on the bike with the unfinished fit, but I decided to wait until I got the handlebars and stem. These arrived and a week later I met with Sol again. I also brought with me some cleat adapters he had recommended I acquire. My son gifted me these for my birthday so I had them with me along with the new handlebars and stem. Sol installed everything and we finished the fit. Everything felt good and I looked forward to doing a shakedown ride. Before doing that, I took the bike back to Peddler where they installed the lamp. They also finished the taping of the handlebars. The new bars are the same width (44) as the ones I replaced, but they are flatter and thicker. You can see the difference in this photo.

The new stem is shorter and the new handlebars bring the shifter and brakes into a comfortable spot for me. At any rate, after a day at Peddler, the bike is ready for riding. I still need the fenders and I have to move the rest of the things from V to the Soma so that I'll have the handlebar bag, the Garmin mount, and a place for my pump.

Jeff reminded me to set the tire pressure low (40/38) and I was encouraged to think about the upcoming 200K which happens to be one of the hardest 200Ks HCR has. However, I remembered GaryK had put a Dart on the calendar and so I told Jeff I would carry us up there on Saturday if he was interested. He was definitely interested and we both signed up.

As we got closer to the weekend, the route to be ridden was not yet decided. On Thursday, the final route was selected (Stillhouse-Weir). I moved the Garmin mount and the handlebar bag over to the Soma. I was advised by Peddler to wait to move the rack over when the fenders arrive for install. On Friday, I agreed to pick Jeff up around 6:30 AM on Saturday and drive up to Salado to the Barrow Brewery. I confirmed where to park with Gary (who lives in Salado).

Friday night, I used my Advair before bed time to keep the asthma under control. Saturday morning, I picked up Jeff and we chatted on the way up to Salado. We talked about the HCR 1200K (which I will not be riding due to my daughter's wedding on the same weekend). We also talked about what we have each been doing the past few weeks since we had not seen each other since the last ride we did in November.

The weather in Salado was a cool, crisp 45 degrees. I got the Soma out of the van and used the wrench to install the front wheel (it has through wheel axle mounts that require a hex key wrench to install.

There were 5 of us on the team. Tucker, who has been recovering from a back injury signed up to ride the permanent version of the Dart route. I used my rescue inhaler before we started to be sure my lungs were clear. We started off north towards Belton with a light tailwind. Along the way, we stopped at a picturesque spot for a photo.

The ride took a turn for the worse as we reached the turnaround and headed south towards Weir. The wind picked up and was coming very strong from the southwest. Wind is a big problem for me and I found myself just falling back and making best time to the controls. I was about 5 minutes behind the group into Holland. We took a good long stop here to get fixed and then we headed on into the wind to Weir. I again struggled with the wind.

On the return, I was definitely feeling better with the wind at my back, but the temperature had risen into the mid-70s. I took off much of the warm clothing I had been wearing and was carrying this in my handlebar bag and in my jersey pockets. As I reached Walburg, I stopped because my right quad was cramping. I took salt and drank some water and got back to peddling the bike. About another 10 miles up the road, I stopped again and this time the cramp was so bad I fell over and jammed one of my fingers as I caught myself tipping over. Again, I had to take some salt and drink more water. A few miles later up the road, I found Gary waiting for me at a turn and we rode along amiably chatting into the control. I mentioned my issues with cramping and that I had taken 2 Saltstick pills. As we got a little further along, I had to stop again and Jeff and Amy both handed me more things to take for cramping which I took gratefully.

Over the course of the ride, I noticed there was a noise coming from within the drivetrain. It's either the disc brake or the front derailleur rubbing against the chain. I also had some issues with noisy transitions in the the top 4 positions on the rear cassette. I'll be taking the bike back to Peddler for adjustment and hopefully the fenders. I definitely enjoyed the wide, fat tires on the chip seal. I had some saddle soreness - particularly on my left sitz bone.

The 2nd to last control was a visit to Gary's house where we enjoyed his holiday decorations and visited with his wife Pam. Jeff got a photo with the Buddha.

From here, there was only about 5 miles left. We rode slowly so that we could finish near the 8 hour time limit.

After the ride, we packed up the bikes. The brewery was bustling and we ordered a pizza. Amy and Gary joined us and we sat enjoying the shade, the live music, and discussing the plans for rides in 2023. Overall, I was happy with the initial ride. I was definitely not in very good shape, but I rode well enough to finish. The brutal SW wind made this Dart less fun that other ones I have ridden in the past. I have fonder memories of having to force myself to ride slower on previous Darts. On this Dart, I was constantly thinking I was behind and riding faster than I wanted to compensate. Kind of frustrating.

This year has been full of challenges of finding myself not riding as well as I used to. Not sure what is up with that. In times past, I was adjusting my asthma medicine. I have continued to struggle with breathing issues, but I have learned to stop and use my rescue inhaler before things get awful. Maybe I am just getting older? The body not responding? Maybe I am not training the right way? Post COVID malaise? I had both COVID and Flu A in 2022. Not the best year from that perspective. I am really not sure. I look back at the High Country 1200 as my last big ride where I felt great. I can point to many rides in 2022 where I felt I was riding well below my previous potential. I will continue to reflect on this and see what answers there are to be found. I have a new bike to get used to and the saddle to continue breaking in. There is a chance I'll register for PBP in 2023, but a lot will depend on my fitness and getting used to the new bike.

My next chance to ride will be next weekend on the Johnson City Stretch 200K. We'll see how that goes. It's a ride I have done several times, but in my new situation, every ride is a challenge filled with nervous concern about what will happen.

Memorable rides for 2022 were the Arizona 100K with Alan Johnson, the HCR Fleche, and the new Wendish 300K. All of these were rides I remember feeling good about. Hopefully, there will be some good rides in 2023 as well. Add to this I am glad that I finished BNBB 1000K of 2022. Fingers crossed for next year.

All the photos I took from the ride are here:


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